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1. Oriental Thoughts in Shelley’s Poems - Dr. Anjali Tyagi
2. Women as Huntress in the Plays of George Bernard Shaw - Dr. Rafat Khanam
3. Waltz at the Metro: The Craft and Rhythm in Pound’s in a Station of the Metro - Vaibhav Dwivedi
4. Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake: From Page to the Silver Screen - Dr. Vinita Goyal
5. Difference between a Common Man and A Celebrity and Their Role in Advertising - Injella Gujral
6. Narration in Raja Rao’s Kanthapura - Dr. R. Krishnaveni
7. 7. Literature - A True Custodian of the Ethicality: Univeiling the Discrimination, Oppression and Exploitation of the Marginalized Ones in Indian Society through Fiction - Dr. Pawan Kumar, Ms. Shpra Bhardwaj
8. Change of Gender Equation in Dattani’s Dance Like a Man: A Critique - Dr. Santosh Thakur